Open your hearts not your phones

The newly elected Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands, His Grace Joanikije, in his homily on June 6, 2021 during the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity Church, Lower Ostrog, spoke of the frequent use of cell phones during the divine services, calling upon the faithful to not do that:

“There is a blessing for a photographer or a camera to discreetly record during the service, even the most striking moments of the service. What has now become customary has exceeded every measure. We’ll come to some service, to some sabor or gathering, and everyone is holding up their cell phones and everyone is recording. It’s really too much. Are these people participating in the service properly? Everyone today takes out their cell phone and records. Can that which is the most important be captured by a cell phone? It cannot. That which is most important in the service cannot be captured by any camera or any sort of technology. And much attention is given to it which is the reason why people are moving away from the service. We should open our hearts, not our cell phones.

Let us open our hearts, receive God’s mercy and grace, which descends invisibly and elusively to open hearts, our souls and minds. Leave the things were are idle and trifling, we’ve gone too far, we must return to the right path. This path doesn’t lead anywhere. Not to mention all the temptations which occur as a result of these recordings, how it is nicely used against the Church, against Christians, against our faith, against priests. Have nothing to do with this. When you come to the Church, leave the phone in the car or turn it off, and put it in your pocket.”

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