Fr. Milovan Katanic

CHeOxTYVEAIE1twI am a Serbian-born, American-raised Eastern Orthodox Priest in the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America.

I am married with 7 children and have been a priest since 1996.  This blogsite was started in 2007 as a means of chronicling my sermons and sharing (what I find to be) interesting news items from around the globe.

31 thoughts on “Fr. Milovan Katanic

  1. Помаже Бог,брате и саслужитељу.

    Има ли презиме Катанић везе са Лоѕницом,односно Јошевом?

    срдачан поздрав,
    протојереј Миленко Бајић из Бора

  2. Dear Father Milovan,

    Father bless! I am writing to you on behalf of the English version of the website of Sretensky Monastery in Moscow, (also In case you are not familiar with our site, we strive to keep our readers updated daily on important news concerning the Orthodox Church worldwide, Christian persecution, Christian social issues, etc, as well as to present beneficial spiritual writings, homilies, lives of the Saints, etc.

    We hope to share the Orthodox faith with as many as possible, and we are always looking for new ways to develop our site and to reach new readers. We also appreciate the effort of yours and so many other blogs that share the gospel of Jesus Christ. With that in mind, we ask if you would kindly consider adding our site to your blog roll. If you could do this we would be very grateful, and we look forward to continuing to provide timely and soul-profiting works for those both in and outside of the Church.

    In Christ,

    Jesse Dominick

  3. Father, do you still maintain this blog? some of the posts look like 2008. Nevertheless, The blog “Theoprovlitos” which you mention is entirely in Greek. Is there an English translation of it? Thanks!

  4. Praise the Lord.
    I reached your site when I searched for a picture depicting ‘Parable of the Talents’. I am a Painter, illustrator, cartoonist and Animator. I have lot of online jobs. Often I feel lazy. I thought I will keep this picture right in front of my computer and whenever I feel lazy I will look at it. I am from kerala, India.
    Thanks and regards,
    Josey Thomas

  5. Veliki pozdrav oce Milovane,

    Javljam se iz Atlante gdje ste vi bili na sluzbi.
    Od kad ste otisli i nasa parohija se promjenila.
    Drago mi je da ste uspjeli u PA ,puno pozdrava od mene
    i Draginje Karac

  6. Batiushka!

    This was left on my site as a comment, as the question concerns Serbia, not Russia, I do not feel “up” to giving an informed answer. Russian things I KNOW… the others, I freely admit my ignorance! Here is the comment:

    “Could you please provide me with the address of Sase monestary Cace?
    I think it is near Pustinja but I am not sure.
    Your answer will be appreciated”.

    The poster was one Urs Thomann, and his e-mail address is:

    If you can help Herr Thomann, it would be much appreciated. Thanx!

    Slava bogu!

    Vara Drezhlo

  7. Поздрав из Дервенте Република Српска. Добро дошао на моју страницу. Мислим да ћемо се чешће посјећивати

  8. Father – Are you the priest at St. Arsenius Serbian Orthodox church in Charlotte NC?

    I am trying to locate the physical address for the church in Charlotte so I can attend some Sunday. I live in Winston-Salem, NC and believe this is the nearest Serbian church for me to attend.

  9. Hi Fr. Milovan!
    I was wondering, there’s an excellent article in this weeks Srbobran written by Fr. Mateja. ARe you able to get it to post it on your blog? I think more people, other than just the Srbobran subscribers need to read it. It’s called Quality/Quantity. It’s outstanding.

  10. Pomaze Bog, o. Milovane!

    I was very happy to get your message on my blog some weeks ago, and I intended to write you a response. I just realized today, though, that I never did it!

    Anyway, thank you for all of your online work on behalf of the Church.

    I look forward to meeting you in person.

    Yours in Christ,
    +Fr. Gregory

  11. Pomaze Bog,oce Milovane!Procitao sam tvoj tekst “far from sin”.Ako ga imas i na srpskom jeziku, mogli bi da ga objavimo u martovskom broju u casopisu / SVETILNIK/ koji ja uredjujem , a koji izlazi vec tri pune godine.Inace, kako je u Libertivilu_? Vidim da se dosta toga promenilo. Ima i novih profesora. O.Milos Vesin je dolazio nekoliko puta na Kosovu i jednom me je posetio a do skora sam mu redovno slao casopis Svetilnik.Nekoliko zadnjih brojeva mu ,na zalost , nisam poslao.Pozdrav!

  12. Бог ти помого оче прото! Како се не би сећао “best friend” !?! Драго ми је да си ме нашао, мени се пар пута чинило да сам те видео негде по црквеним сајтовима на сликама са владиком или по прославама негде, ал никад нисам био сигуран. Лепо да смо ступили у контакт. Свако ти добро желим. Дај Боже да се једног дана и видимо кад будем успео отићи на нашу светињу Косово. Помјани.

  13. Pomaze Bog,o.Milovane!Ovde o.Zoran Kovacevic.Studirali smo zajedno u Libertivilu devedesetih godina.Ja sam,ako se secas ,sa Kosova i Metohije.Slucajno sam naiso na ovaj sajt i prepoznao te.Pozdravljam te i svako dobro.

  14. Hello Fr. Milovan!

    Fr. Bless!
    Yes, Columbina and Suzanne- same person. There are now a few Columbinas out in the world— there’s even one with same first name as me who used to live here…it’s a popular name with convert ladies.

    Anyway, I am in Reno and I go to St. John the Baptist. I moved here from Ventura, California, and I used to go to the Cathedral in Alhambra. (Kind of miss that!)

    All the best to you Fr!
    In Christ,

  15. Fr. Seraphim:

    I’ve added you onto the blogroll and I thank you for putting me on your. You’re right, we do have similar aims.

    I have visited your blog before but I still remember being a priest in Atlanta, 5+ years ago, I used to visit your parish site quite frequently to read your sermons and your Q & A series on the gospel stories. I think I even used them once in a Church School class.

    Having said that feel free to use anything from here you wish.

    Fr. Milovan

  16. Dear in Christ Fr Milan:
    I look at your blog often and occasionally glean something to show my parish, either on our blog, or the parish email list. You write very edifying and accessible things. I have added you to my slowly growing Blogroll (on the front page of our blog, like yours) and would appreciate a reciprocal link. I think we have similar aims – to use our blogs to edify and teach, and not just to give opinions. Please take a look at
    In Christ, BTW, I did not easily see your RSS feed on the page. Maybe I missed it. I prefer to read blogs in a Reader.
    In Christ, Priest Seraphim Holland
    McKinney Texas.

  17. These blogs on prayer from Patriarch Pavle are so awesome, so helpful. I always feel like I don’t know how to pray or when to pray or even what to pray for! I feel like I’m constantly praying, but not always at the right time. I pray when i’m working, while I’m driving.
    I like the one where it says – you miss out if you don’t pray – becuase you are missing out on a conversaton with God. That’s so meaningful.
    Thank you thank you for your spirtual guidance!

  18. Hi Father!
    If you so desire, would you please blog about Children’s communion?
    I don’t remember as a child going but 2x a year. That’s what was taught “way back when!”
    Now it seems like kids can take it all the time – prepared or not.
    I like to take my kids when we all go as a family and they are learning about preparation.
    I’d like to know what, if anything has changed over the past 30 years about children taking communion. Hopefully I’m making sense! 🙂
    Thanks – love your blog. Love your writings. You’re awesome!

  19. Fr Milovan,

    Christ is among us!

    Thank you for the link to my site, I will return the favor!

    In Christ,

    Fr Gregory

    p.s., We have the same date of ordination to the holy priesthood–St Nicholas Day 1996 (though I on the NC you on the OC).


  20. Bog te blagoslovio Gordana,

    Hvala na javljanju i poseti – mada je sve na engleskom. Rodjen sam u Somboru ali su moji iz Stapara. Bio sam u oktobru malo u poseti i jedva cekam da opet odem.

    Svako dobro, o. Milovan

  21. Blagoslovi Oce!
    Slucajno sam nabasala na ovaj blog,i zaista sam pozitivno iznenadjena!I pricama,i cinjenicom da je autor svestenik,i to moj bivsi sugradjanin:)
    Hristos posredi nas!

  22. Father bless! Wonderful blog, thank Popadija for sending it. Lots of things to contemplate. Do something in Serbian sometime for Mladen.

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